OH NO! Not another Google API Leak Website!

Yup, but ours is different.

Unlike everyone else, who simply reposted the leaked data and expected a pat on the back, or, worse still, who used a random LLM that wasn’t even trained for this kind of thing to carry out their “Expert Analysis,” we’ve decided to actually make the information usable by crowdsourcing its investigations.

Meme - Sarcastic air quotes - Dr. Evil (from the Austin Powers series) is sat in a large chair (luxury office type), looking left (his right), with his arms up, doing the 'air quotes' (index and middle fingers flex open and closed, rest are closed). Text at bottom of image reads: 'expert analysis'

We Need Your Expertise

Many SEOs have insights into the leaked data, but none of us have a full, coherent overview of what it all means. Only by pooling our collective findings and creating a public archive of observations, thoughts, and opinions, can we create a public “Bigger Picture” overview of the leaked data, and of how it applies to and affects us, as professionals.

Only Together Can We Make SEO Better

We’ve made the archive searchable to everyone, but we’re looking for your constructive input. Obviously we can’t make this site anonymously editable, because so many SEOs will spam it into next week, won’t they?

So if you’d like to make a contribution to our growing Google Search Leak knowledgebase, we ask that you register an account with this site. Then, once Darth Autocrat makes sure your intentions are pure, we’ll upgrade your account so you can contribute your valuable insights into this massive data leak.

You will of course get FULL CREDIT for all your input.

Register an Account for the ArcLite Google Search Leak Site