Leaked Google API Statistics

Just a collection of observations and factoids about the leaked Google APIs.

The number of Modules (in total, before clean-up) was:
2593 (This includes any deprecated modules, empty ones etc.).

The total number of Attributes is:

The largest number of modules begin with:
“a” (500 of them!)

The smallest number of modules begin with:
“u” (there’s only 4 of them).

There are no modules that begin with the letters:
‘j’, ‘x’ or ‘z’

Many modules lack any sort of “description” entry:
560+ have either no description, or nothing descriptive in it.
(That’s almost 19% of all Modules!)

The longest module name is:
(85 characters)

The module name with the most repeats is:
It’s a tie! There’s 3 modules with numerous repeated parts;

The most recent Year referenced is:
2023 (TrawlerFetchReplyDataWebIOInfo and IndexingSignalAggregatorRunningMeanAndVarianceInternalState

The oldest Year referenced is:
2011 (SecurityCredentialsCircleProto)
(There is a ref. to 2008 GoodocLabel – but cannot tell if that’s just a mention, or specific)

“EAT” is mentioned:
1 time (in attributes) … but not as per the acronym! (PerDocData)

“Expertise” is mentioned:
1 time! (in attributes) (AppsPeopleOzExternalMergedpeopleapiMapsExtendedData)

SELECT * FROM wp_a65t98_test4
attributes LIKE ‘% trust %’ OR
attributes LIKE ‘trust %’ OR
attributes LIKE ‘% trust’ OR
attributes LIKE ‘trust’;

“Experience” is mentioned:
NN (LinkText)


“Trust” is mentioned:
NN (LinkText)

“Authority” is mentioned:
NN (LinkText)