Whether this field is set or not determines whether an account is in the grace period. While in the grace period, the user is unable to change their birthday on their own, and will be age-disabled if they don’t act in a limited amount of time. Applies only to ServiceData Birthday. Users enter the grace period if they choose a birthday below the Age of Consent (go/aoc). After the grace period ends, the account will be age disabled. See go/age-disable-grace-period-dd.
Author: Darth Autocrat
The serialized form of a SORI id. NOTE that this proto is stored in V4/O4 index and that new fields should not be added without getting an agreement from the serving team as well.
NOTE: in docjoins, the following anchor sampling information is only ## available in the first record of a document (under the same docid). The total number of redundant anchors dropped per (domain, text) in linkextractor. If we receive a large number of anchors from a particular domain, then we’ll throw out all but a sampling of them from that domain. The data is sorted by the (domain,text) pairs. This field is not populated by Alexandria, which uses cdoc.anchor_stats instead.
A client is be a Google product, or subproduct that provides content for AbuseIAm to classify.
Pair of Verdicts used for ProjectR age/geo gating. See http://go/projectr for more information.
A node representing a table of regions and restrictions that apply to those regions. This table understands region inclusion and knows to apply the most specific rule, for example, a rule for France would override a rule for the EU for a user in France.