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AbsoluteDateTime represents the resolved date/time expressions that need no further calculation. It has a section for date and a section for time. The date section will always be filled; if the time section is filled, hour is always filled; for (minute, second, partial_second), they are optional with a zero default value. But if partial_second is filled, (minute, second) must be filled, even they are 0s; if second is filled, minute must be filled. Next field#: 22.

Attributes List

This module has the following attributes (case-insensitive ascending order):

View Attributes


  1. allowPersonal (type: boolean(), default: nil)
    - allow_personal determines if personal datetimes are allowed to be used in the resolution of the personal datetime. If allow_personal is false and a personal date exists, the entire parse will be thrown out.
  2. day (type: integer(), default: nil)
  3. deleted11 (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - Deprecated fields. Do NOT use.
  4. holiday (type: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeHoliday, default: nil)
    - season, quarters and holidays will be soon handled as fetched relative datetimes and will be removed from the AbsoluteDateTime message.
  5. hour (type: integer(), default: nil)
    - Time is 24-hour military time.
  6. hourState (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - Note: This is marked as deprecated as we are moving into explicit parses using the meridiem field, and leave the inference over implicit parses to the grounding/resolution libraries.
  7. isBc (type: boolean(), default: nil)
    - |is_bc| is true if and only the date is Before Christ/Common Era. If |is_bc| is true, only year is meaningful in this proto, as Gregorian calendar is only meaningful for A.D. date/times.
  8. meridiem (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - For expressions such as "am", "pm". Note: the name "meridiem" has been taken by a field in message ResolutionProperties. Examples: * "9 am": point { hour: 9 meridiem: AM hour_state: UNAMBIGUOUS }
  9. minute (type: integer(), default: nil)
  10. modifier (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - For expressions such as "around 2 pm".
  11. month (type: String.t, default: nil)
  12. nonGregorianDate (type: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeNonGregorianDate, default: nil)
    - If present then: 1) the incoming non-Gregorian datetime will be converted to Gregorian. 2) exported DateTimeProperty fields will contain the converted Gregorian datetime. 3) DateTimeProperty.source_calendar will be set to the calendar-system that was used to specify the non-Gregorian date.
  13. partialSecond (type: float(), default: nil)
  14. properties (type: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeDateTimeProperty, default: nil)
  15. quarter (type: String.t, default: nil)
  16. rangeModifier (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - Modifier that return the appropriate subrange. For more information, see the description of RangeOfDateTimeModifier. Example: early 2020 early on March 20th When a point have a range_modifier field, the resolution library will expand the point into the widest range in contains. For example, in the case of a single date point like "April 22nd, 2022", the point will be transformed into a range with: - "begin: April 22nd 2022 00:00:00h" - "end: April 22nd 2022 23:59:59h" The modifier will then be applied over that range.
  17. season (type: String.t, default: nil)
  18. second (type: integer(), default: nil)
  19. timezone (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - A string representation of the timezone information, see i18n/identifiers/timezones.{h,cc}.
  20. weekday (type: String.t, default: nil)
    - The |weekday| field is populated to indicate that a day-of-the-week is explicitly mentioned in an absolute date utterance, such as [Tuesday, July 6th, 2021]. Note that when a day-of-the-week is included in other, non-absolute-date expressions, such as [on Tuesday], then this this field is not populated (and in fact an AbsoluteDateTime is not used at all.) Note: This field is populated only when the original expression contains a day-of-the-week. It is not populated by the grounding library to indicate that the date happens to be a Tuesday. Examples: "Tuesday, July 6th 2021" --> the day of the week is part of an absolute date expression, so this field is populated: point { year: 2021 month: JULY day: 6 weekday: TUESDAY } "on Tuesday" --> the day of the week is not part of an absolute date expression, so it is interpreted as a relative datetime: relative { fetched { target { weekday: TUESDAY } } }
  21. year (type: integer(), default: nil)
    - Date.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeAbsoluteDateTime{
allowPersonal: boolean() | nil,
day: integer() | nil,
deleted11: String.t() | nil,
holiday: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeHoliday.t() | nil,
hour: integer() | nil,
hourState: String.t() | nil,
isBc: boolean() | nil,
meridiem: String.t() | nil,
minute: integer() | nil,
modifier: String.t() | nil,
month: String.t() | nil,
nonGregorianDate: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeNonGregorianDate.t() | nil,
partialSecond: float() | nil,
properties: GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeDateTimeProperty.t() | nil,
quarter: String.t() | nil,
rangeModifier: String.t() | nil,
season: String.t() | nil,
second: integer() | nil,
timezone: String.t() | nil,
weekday: String.t() | nil,
year: integer() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Data sourced from HexDocs : GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.NlpSemanticParsingDatetimeAbsoluteDateTime