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These options use more sophisticated logic from a location-aware name detector to parse the full name of a user into structured parts and operate on those parts. For more information on how names are parsed, see the NameOccurrence proto definition: http://google3/quality/peoplesearch/namedetector/detector/proto/name_occurrence.proto?l=50&rcl=334484707 In general, when parsing display names the following rules will apply to all specs: - Hyphenated names are broken down: "Angelina Jollie-Pit" is pre-processed as "Angelina Jollie Pitt"; - Prefixes are ignored: "Prof. Albus Dumbledore" is pre-processed as "Albus Dumbledore"; - Auxiliaries are ignored: "Luís de Camões" is pre-processed as "Luís Camões". Next ID: 8
Attributes List
This module has the following attributes (case-insensitive ascending order):
, default:nil
- Extract an initial from each parsed name. For example, "Niels Henrik David Bohr" yields "N. H. D. B.". Other special cases are treated as follows: -
, default:nil
- Show the initial of the very first name and the first last name, e.g. "Hugo Daniel Hernandez Garcia" yields "H. Hernandez". -
, default:nil
- Show the initial of the very first name and the very last name, e.g. "Ana Maria Silva" yields "A. Silva". -
, default:nil
- Shorten the display name using the Knowledge Graph name shortener (go/short-names). -
, default:nil
- Which truncation indicator to use after each shortened part of the name. Will be ignored for theknowledge_graph_name_shortening
option. -
, default:nil
- Show the full very first name and all the other initials, e.g. "Ana Maria Silva" yields "Ana M. S.". -
, default:nil
- Show the very first name only, e.g. "Ana Maria Silva" yields "Ana".
allInitialsFromParsedName: boolean() | nil,
firstInitialAndFirstLastName: boolean() | nil,
firstInitialAndVeryLastName: boolean() | nil,
knowledgeGraphNameShortening: boolean() | nil,
truncationIndicator: String.t() | nil,
veryFirstNameAndAllInitials: boolean() | nil,
veryFirstNameOnly: boolean() | nil
@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()Data sourced from HexDocs : GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.SocialGraphApiProtoPartialNameOptionsParsedDisplayNameSpec